Monday, March 25, 2013

Final Assignment

Final Assignment: Assessment Plan

 Students have the knowledge and understanding to recognize and apply algebraic formulas to equations.

Learning Outcome:
Identify and utilize correct algebraic equations for an algebra I course.

Assessment Context:
I will use the test-retest method in order to provide students the ability to substantiate their proficiency of algebraic equations.   In the very beginning of the course, likely within the first 3 days after the expectations have been established and the students are familiar with the syllabus, I will administer a test to the students in the algebra I class.  I will keep the tests and simply show the students their scores but never show them the test again.  I will then administer the test at the end of the semester.  The modification I will make on the re-test is to mix the questions so that they are  not in the same order but will still be the same question.  It is plausible that I will execute the test re-test method each semester.

The structure of the test will be a series of about 30-50 problems with a bank of algebraic equations necessary to solve the math problems.

Holistic Rubric:
The students will earn certain amount of points relative to the number of processes the problem asks for.
In a problem they will earn the most points for finding the correct answer.

The first set a points will come from being able to analyze and choose the correct equation.  They must do this in order to earn any points for the problem.

The next points will be for the process of the order of operations.  Should the student have minor mathematical errors they can still earn points for the correct order of operations.

With each problem they can earn partial to total credit. They will only receive 0 credits when they do not apply the correct equation.

Between the tests I will teach the problems with hands on assignments by which we use physical objects to carry out mathematical equations.  I will also use traditional lecture and socratic method to discuss the purpose and real world application of mathematics.

Testing Constraints:
I would give about 3 different tests that have the same questions in a different order.  I would also provide the test to students at the very beginning and the very end of the semester in hopes that they forget the problems on the test.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Process and Rational

Why these test items?  The test items are formulated in a way where the actual physical hands-on work will be the foundation and the testing will be the proof.  For example a student will do research, listen to lectures, and be tested on preparing a slide, using the parts of a microscope, learning the anatomy of a cell, identifying the parts of  physical cell, to understanding aspects of a cell processes and then the student will then perform the experiment accordingly.

I will lecture on the basics of the scientific method and when it was used.  I will also provide the students with directions on how to isolate and dye a cheek cell.  The first test part a student will write a brief essay on the scientific method which will be a recap of what they have learned in years prior

I assembled the testing in accordance with the activity.  With the activity and test arranged it is as if the activity is a second test.  For example I will use a matching test for the microscope prior to its use.  Once the test is complete the students will have to identify the parts of the microscope when perform the experiment.

The third test on the cell will be a matching test where the student will have to recall the anatomy of a cell.  In the test I will provide a word bank and have them match the appropriate words with the correct images of the cell's part.  They will learn about the cell from lecture and research.  When they put their cheek cells under a microscope they will then have to identify its anatomy again further carrying out the learning experience.

The last part of the test is an advanced concept the requires the understanding of chemistry.  Because students might not have a background in chemistry I will make the test true/false.  This test will show that a student  shows that they understand the process and not necessarily the chemical equations that occur during Kreb's Cycle.

Monday, February 25, 2013

High School Biology

High School Biology

High school is likely the first time that a student will be exposed to elements of general biology.  This is a critical time where the foundations of biology need to be established for further development and education in the future.  Concise and specific outcomes need to be defined and established to facilitate a concrete foundation of general biology to ensure that a student will have the option for further study in their academic future.


1.  Recall the procedure to prepare, dye, and mount a slide with a cell from their own cheek using the appropriate tools complying to the necessary sanitary conditions.

2.  List the parts of a microscope and their functions.

3.  Accurately identity all the parts and components of a living cell.

4.  Recall the functions of a cells components including cell respiration and ATP production.

Test Items:

1. A student will swab their own cheek with a cotton swab and smear the spit on a plate.  They will then make predictions as to whether or not the method that they used to swab the  inside of their cheek was effective.  They will smear the material from their cheek onto a slide, seal it with a piece of glass, and then dye the slide with the appropriate dye they believe will be the most effective. They will then mount the slide under neither the microscope.  They will then make predictions as to wether the dye they used was good or if they retrieved the sample properly.

2. The student will be tested with a fill-in-the-blank test for the pieces and parts of a microscope.  This test could also be matching depending on the level of the biology course.

3.  Once under the micro scope the student will draw the cell they see and label all the parts they can identify.  This can be a multiple choice format.  The parts they identify will then be identified according to function and properties.  A cheek cell is quite small so they will only identify a few parts of a cell but will be asked to recall all anatomy of a cell they learn form lecture and other experiments.

4. The cells parts will then be understood as one whole functioning piece.  They will go through the Kreb's Cycle and determine how the individual parts work together to produce ATP or energy through the break down of oxygen in the cells.  This portion of a test can be true/false because these concepts are very advanced I really want the students to have an understanding not know exactly the amino acids and chemicals involved rather just the understanding of function.

Each of these test items will provide the foundation and lead to the understanding of the functions and processes of a cell.  A student will first study the scientific method to develop a test sample.  Once the test sample is developed they will have to recall the parts of a microscope and then apply what they know to use a microscope successfully.  The student will look or watch the cell and identify it under the microscope.  They will then identify all the parts they can see.  Depending on the microscope it might not be possible to see all the parts of a cell.  The students will refer to a blank diagram and will be required to research and read the text in order to identify all the parts of a cell.  Once they have the parts of a cell identified they will listen to instruction to understand all the functions of the parts of a cell ending with the production of energy through cell respiration.  This project will give a student the understanding how their own bodies function giving them life.  This starts with the very basic information and builds to the purpose a cell and its function in our lives.